MADD Canada is unique from other anti-impaired driving groups because of its commitment to the service of victims. Find out about MADD’s Statement of Beliefs. MADD has grown from coast to coast and continues to advocate for change to make our communities safer and to provide victims of impaired driving with a voice.
MADD’s aim is to heighten awareness about the dangers of impaired driving, offer support services to victims, and to save lives.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is a terrible crime that touches all of our lives. Impaired drivers are gambling with the safety of everyone on the road. And the payoff in Canada is deadly. MADD wants everyone to realize that drinking and driving is an irresponsible, dangerous and intolerable act.
Speakers are available to come to your school, office or community group to speak about their personal experiences. For more information about MADD’s programs.
Getting the message out in our Community
There are many ways that MADD gets the message out in our community, for example through the Red Ribbon campaign, speaking sessions and information booths.
MADD Canada’s statement of Beliefs:
- That our primary reason for existence is to eliminate the killing and maiming caused by impaired driving.
- Equally vital to MADD Canada’s existence is supporting victims of this violent crime.
- That MADD Canada is a grassroots organization that draws its strength, energy, and leadership from its volunteers.
- That active participation in MADD Canada chapter activities is productive for the community and encourages healing for many victims of impaired driving.
- An aggressive legislative and public policy advocacy program is a must to achieve MADD Canada’s mission.
- That a National Victims’ Bill of Rights must be created in order to ensure fair and respectful treatment of all victims of crime.
- That a balanced program of public awareness, education, legislation, and aggressive enforcement by police, crown attorneys, and the courts is essential to eliminating impaired driving.
- That while an individual’s decision to consume alcohol is a private matter, driving after consuming alcohol is a public matter.
- That impaired drivers and others who directly contribute to the crime of impaired driving must be held accountable for their behaviour.
- That proactive rehabilitation of impaired drivers is essential.
- That driving is a privilege, not a right.
- That impaired driving crashes are not accidents.